As President Biden’s term comes to an end, litigators with cases in New Jersey are weighing in on his significant impact on the sate’s federal court. McCarter & English partner Mark Makhail spoke with the New Jersey Law Journal about the judicial shortage at the start of Biden’s term and said, “Comparing that to now, you’re getting a lot more of an active bench, a younger and invigorated bench that’s really looking to move the cases along. I think that, to sound clichéd, justice is being served a lot quicker.” Mark added, “Now that the caseload is a lot less because of the appointments, judges are more involved in your cases, and they’re moving them along a lot quicker. And the litigants, not just the lawyers, but the actual clients we represent, who are ultimately coming to the court for help, are getting help, and they’re getting it at a faster pace, and they’re getting reasoned decisions at a much quicker rate.”