Today’s federal marketplace is extremely competitive. It is not surprising, then, that protests have become an almost inevitable feature of many procurements. Successful contractors know how to use protests to go after the contracts they deserve, when improperly awarded to someone else. Understanding the processes and procedures that govern bid protests can mean the difference between getting a contract, or losing out to a competitor. In this webinar, experienced government contracting attorney Maria Panichelli will provide a comprehensive overview on asserting bid protests. Registrants will learn about the procurement timeline, when to be on the lookout for notices or events that might trigger their protest deadlines, and how to ensure they comply with these deadlines. Strategies for debriefings will be discussed, as will some common bases for both pre- and post-award protests. Maria will explain who has “standing” to file a bid protest, what needs to go into a bid protest, where a bid protest can be filed, and what deadlines apply to filing a bid protest. Attendees will also learn about common bid protest defenses and how to avoid them.