Sean Beeny represents cooperative and municipal electric systems in antitrust and contract litigation in the federal courts; in rate, merger and hydroelectric licensing proceedings before the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC); in licensing proceedings before the Nuclear Regulatory Commission; in negotiation of power purchase, coordination and transmission agreements; and in counseling on compliance with reliability standards and economic regulatory requirements.
He has considerable experience addressing the interaction of regulation and antitrust policy in dealing with competition problems in the electric industry. He has represented clients in antitrust and competition matters before the FERC, the Securities and Exchange Commission, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and a number of state utility regulatory commissions. These antitrust matters have included a federal jury trial of a monopolization case, investigations by enforcement agencies, and numerous regulatory agency proceedings involving antitrust policy.
Sean has also assisted clients in hydroelectric relicensing and license amendment proceedings involving issues such as competing claims to ownership of project lands, mitigation of contamination (including dioxin contamination), fisheries protection, dam and watercourse safety, recreational development and cultural interpretation/protection as well as matters concerning the need for power, antitrust disputes, and fitness issues.
His energy transactional work covers purchased electricity arrangements ranging from full requirements contracts to unbundled transmission and power coordination arrangements and acquisitions and dispositions of generation resources.