Ryan Magee, President of the C. Willard Heckel Inn of Court and McCarter & English Partner, moderates this panel discussion which explores the intricacies of trials and investigations involving those who have been sworn to protect and serve. Attendees gain a deeper understanding of the multifaceted issues surrounding the prosecution and defense of police officers and other members of law enforcement facing criminal charges. The panel also explores the critical role of internal affairs and administrative investigations in ensuring transparency and accountability within our justice system.
The C. Willard Heckel Inn of Court was founded in 1990 to further civility and excellence in the practice of law in New Jersey in both the state and federal courts. The Inn’s core focus is on criminal and related civil practice in both the federal and state court systems, although many of its programs involve issues of broader appeal to the bar. The Inn brings together highly experienced and distinguished justices, judges, trial attorneys, members of the bar, and select Rutgers Law School students to enhance their skills and focus on emerging and important issues facing the bar and bench.