Depositions are an integral part of the discovery phase of a litigation. To successfully conduct or defend a deposition in compliance with the applicable rules of procedure, each party must participate in good faith and successfully navigate the nuances that underwrite every conversation. Often, depositions are handled by senior attorneys without outlines or reference materials–aids that are no longer needed after several years of successful practice. However, this predictable approach can all too often result in attorneys engaging in microaggressions against one another which ultimately affects the productivity of the deposition. These can include misgendering attorneys, assuming that spouses are the opposite sexes of the deponents, and other assumptions that are based in cisgender and/or heteronormative traditions. Further–and although it seems elementary–there are issues of civility that attorneys must be reminded of in this context. The prevalence of online-based depositions, which are often taken or defended in the privacy of the attorney’s home, can provide counsel with a false sense of informality, leading some to fail to uphold the etiquette of deposition proceedings.