Kevin Conoscenti represents clients—particularly municipalities, rural electric cooperatives, and natural gas joint-action agencies—in litigation before the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission and state public service commissions concerning the rates, terms, and conditions of service for electric transmission and natural gas transportation and in appellate proceedings challenging administrative agency decisions.
Kevin helps these clients implement their commodity supply planning goals through a variety of business transactions, including the acquisition of long-term supplies of natural gas and electricity at below-index rates through prepaid supply contracts funded by municipal bond financings. Kevin helps clients implement their strategic goals through transmission access and service agreements and through generation resource acquisitions. He helps end users negotiate lease agreements for the operation and maintenance of behind-the-meter distributed energy resources.
Kevin helps clients navigate and comply with the rules established for participation in organized transmission, energy, and capacity markets, particularly those markets run by PJM Interconnection, LLC; Southwest Power Pool; and Midcontinent Independent System Operator, Inc.
For more than a decade, Kevin has represented consumer interests in Washington, DC, in proceedings before the DC Public Service Commission concerning distribution rates, including the proper allocation of costs to customer classes and the reliability of service provided to ratepayers.